Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a
certain way to gain power over another person. Bullying consists of three basic
types of abuse verbal, physical, and emotional. The victim of bullying is sometimes
referred to as a "target". Signs of possible bullying, decreased
appetite, nightmares, crying, or general depression and anxiety. Kids who are
bullied have a hard time standing up for themselves. They think the kid who
bullies them is more powerful than they are, but most bullies are kids with low
self-esteem often who bully to feel better about them self. It may be difficult
to not bully back, but as the saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right. Martial
arts helps prevent bullying by showing these children that everyone deserves
respect, and that no one deserves to be mistreated. Martial arts training is all about discipline and gives
students clear-cut instructions that are easy to internalize. At Choe's HapKiDo we give students
the skills they need to succeed in life, at school, and anything else they put
their minds to.
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